Highlights of the 5th and 6th Cerebral Palsy Camps
The 5th and 6th CP camps were held in Kiirua and Timau. The Turn out of new cases continues to increase with the 5 th having a total of 98 kids while the 6 the one had 104 children. There is a marked improvement witnessed. For example The caregivers renewed state of minds and know how on child care and the children were upbeat with various noticeable milestones made.
The 6 th camp was absolutely amazing as we had new partners who had joined us and spent quality time with the children. M/s Viva smiles is a group of dentists who came in with their staff and necessary tools to carry out primary diagnosis of the children and the caregivers dental. All the 208 children and their parents/ caregivers were checked and basic corrective actions taken including teeth extraction. In addition we had occupational therapist who took the caregivers through intensive training on specialized care for cp children. One remarkable testimony was that of the 6 year old boy known as Mark. Mark has level 2-3 cp and when we first met him he had various challenges could not sit or stand. Mark who is under the care of the grandmother has continued to come for therapies and the grandma has consistently taken him through the home therapy.
We were absolutely blown off when we met Mark running up and down the hall to the amazement and cheers of everyone one. He is such a hopeful child because every parent felt it can be their child .